Weekly WrapUp 01

I’m excited to participate in my first (for this blog anyways) Weekly Wrap.  I actually wrote things down as they happened this week, so let’s jump right in.

Monday: Rest day!  I know lots of people #nevermissamonday, but I actually like starting off the week kind of low key and lazy.

Tuesday:  Crossfit class was pretty brutal.  It never seems that bad to read the board, but ….  reality.   The first part of class seemed okay – I can’t even remember what we did.  Then, we used a heavy kettlebell and were to do 3 descending rounds (20, 15, 10) of goblet squats, kettlebell swings and lawnmower rows.  If you pick a weight that is challenging for the first 2, that last exercise is ROUGH).  We ended the class with 2 rounds of 400 meter row sprints and everyone was just laid out by the end.

Wednesday:  I set my alarm and finally made it to the 6am Strength class with my Tues/Thurday trainer.  I really enjoyed the strength focus, though new people are always stressful for me.  But I paired up with someone at about my level it seemed okay.  We did deadlifts, push jerks (which were new to me) and push press with some core work and stretching thrown in.

Thursday:  I was getting up from a situp and twisted my knee strangely and it felt painful and super weird – like a rubber band was stretched wrongly inside there.  It stopped me in my tracked and I think I made a spectacle of myself.  But once I was able to straighten out my leg, the pain went away completely and I was able to complete the rest of the workout without any issue.  Later that evening, though, it felt somewhat sore and stiff.

I took it easy and Friday and Saturday, and by Sunday it felt pretty much fine and I was able to run 7.5 lovely miles before it started to twinge.  I would have liked to have made it 10, since the weather was so nice and I was feeling so good, but I figured ‘better safe than sorry.’

I’m linking up with the Weekly Wrap, sponsored by Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin.


  1. I’ve done the exact same thing where I’m getting up from the floor and mess up my knee somehow. It usually goes away quickly for me, but it’s always frustrating to hurt something just by getting up! Hope it continues to be a non-issue.

  2. Hi, Zalary! Welcome to the Weekly Wrap! I am also on team #alwaysmissamonday! It seems like the perfect rest day. Isn’t it extra frustrating when we hurt ourselves and we weren’t even running? I’ve been nursing an ankle tendon that I have no idea what happened to. I hope your knee feels better quickly! Thanks for linking. Hope to see you again!

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