Category: Tiny Posts


Somehow the inauguration and my mother’s passing are tied together – even though four years ago they were actually months apart. I think when he (whose name shall never be spoken) was elected and I went walking in the rain that night (2 days after her first gone birthday) everything just broke. And I’m still broken.

But I’m trying to feel hope and peace and positivity or something/whatever. I’m still faking it, after all this time. And quietly wondering, “when does the making it come into play?”

🎥 Seven Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss: weird and cringey, but also charming and fantastic!

I sort of mean to post more frequently and thought that starting in December would be less pressure and more interesting than waiting until January. So here we are. It was a #9 rubber duck kind of day, but I got in my scheduled run and I finished this post, so that’s not nothing.